• +91 848-481-0094
  • clients@ihrcgroup.com

Compliance Calendar

Compliance Calendar
S.N. Month State/Central Compliance Act/Header Compliance Description Due Date Frequency Remark
1 February Central The Employees' Provident Funds and MP Act, 1952 PF International Workers Returns 15-Feb Monthly
2 February Central The Employees' Provident Funds and MP Act, 1952 PF Remittance 15-Feb Monthly
3 February Central The Employees' Provident Funds and MP Act, 1952 EDLI Return 25-Feb Monthly 1.) Applicable for all states. 2.) Only for Companies, who have taken exemption under EDLI
4 February Kerala Labour Welfare Fund (Workers Welfare Fund) LWF Remittance 05-Feb Monthly
5 February Madhya Pradesh Professional Tax PT Remittance 10-Feb Monthly
6 February Gujarat Professional Tax PT Remittance & Return 15-Feb Monthly
7 February Central The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 Payment of Bonus Return 01-Feb Yearly Applicable for all states
8 February Central The Minimum Wages Act 1948 Minimum Wages Return 01-Feb Yearly Applicable for all states
9 February Central The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Central Rules, 1971 CLRA Return 01-Feb Yearly Applicable for all states
10 February Karnataka Professional Tax PT Remittance & Return 20-Feb Monthly
11 February Maharashtra Professional Tax PT Remittance 29-Feb Monthly
12 February Maharashtra Professional Tax PT Return 29-Feb Monthly
13 February Punjab Professional Tax PT Remittance 29-Feb Monthly
14 February Central The Payment of Wages Payment of Wages Return 01-Feb Yearly Applicable for all states